Wizytówka: Dantra A/S

Dantra A/S, which is domiciled in Hjøllund in Jutland, now have a truck fleet of more than 100 modern and specialized tankers, daily carrying liquid products throughout Denmark and Europe.

Transportation includes food / food, temperature controlled transport, chemicals, engineering products, oil / gasoline, fuel oil, Jet A1 aviation fuel, marine and skibsbunkringer and large truck traffic

Dantra A/S
Artur Koc

Ulica Vejlevej 7
7362 Hampen

tel: +4522683326
kom: +4522683326
Www: www.dantra.dk
skype: ---
2010-05-17 12:00:42
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1.Cysterny Firma : Dantra A/S Hampen Szukam pracy Cysterny Dantra A/S 2010-05-17 12:58:51